Wednesday 16 January 2013

OUGD404 Design Principles- Colour and contrast

Additive gives you white
Subtractive gives you black

colour wheel

Because of the physiological response the eye can be fooled into seeing the full range of visible colours through the proportionate adjustment of just three colours green and blue.

Ittens 7 Contrasts
Contrast of TONE-Formed by the juxtaposition of light and dark values.This could be monochromatic - BLACK OR WHITE - ONE COLOUR The higher contrast is black to white. based on colour values.

Contrast of HUE-Formed by juxtaposing of different hues.The greater the distance between hues on a colour wheel the greater the contrast.

Legibility and readbility - you can read the word (in yellow) better on a black background compared to white. The words are all the same weight and style.
Contrast of SATURATIONS -Formed by the juxtaposition of light and dark values and their relative saturations

The darkest yellow in the middle becomes the most clear all the other colours become tones and tints.
Contrast of EXTENSION - Formed by assigning proportional in relation to the visual weight of colour.Also known as the contrast of proportion.

The amount of colour next to the another colour changes how we perceive it. how much yellow can we put down to create a visual balance.

For eg. If we have a block of colour , its fairly balanced & comfortable.
Contrast of TEMPERATURE - Formed by juxtaposing hues that can be considered ‘warm’ or ‘cool’. Also known as the contrast of warm and cool.

coolest is blue , warmest is orange

We've isolated these colours the black bands have split the colours up you can only see hue & tone. As you go through theres a distinction through the colours.

once the black lines are gone you can see gradients.
COMPLEMENTARY contrast - formed by juxtaposing complementary colours from a colour wheel or perceptual opposites.\

Tonal contrast between black and white , if you put things that are opposing together the exact thing happens if you put red and green together. They are the most extreme contrasts.
SIMULTANEOUS CONTRAST - Formed when boundaries between colours perceptually vibrate.
putting colours next to each other that will have the highest impact , Yellow block with mid green on top - the yellow starts to blur and merges into the green, its starting to shift into a more orange colour. Yellow which is a primary and green which makes blue. were missing red our eyes start to introduce the absent colours.More blue starts to come out of the green. 

Its based on the idea that if you put certain colours together they contrast.

Part 4
Subjective colour

The yellow is jumping out. When its reversed its not the best composition. When its small still high impact.

Colour starts to control its surroundings. Neutral grey mixed in illustrator. Because yellow needs its complimentary.  When you start to stare to the left theres a violet tinge. When looking at the right the blue is more pronounced because its closer in tonal values. The blue thats there needs its complimetary for us to read it. 

More desaturated , The colour of the line never changes optically it does but there is only 3 colours there and not 4.

The more you look at it the more violet it becomes.

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