Friday 1 March 2013

OUGD406 Communication Is a Virus: Drink Tea

For this brief we were put in to groups and given a topic. ours was 'Drink tea' we had to think of ways to make a piece of graphic design based on drinking tea go viral.


After brainstorming some ideas as a group, we decided we wanted to make our own product viral to give us the scope to do more with it than if it were associated with someone else, in which case we could be limited due to legal regulations. We decided on our own brand of tea.

We brainstormed some ideas for names and found that some of the ones we liked such as 'T' and 'Teapee' were already used, and decided in the end on 'Brewed'. We planned for it to be aimed at a younger audience; students and young professionals, and wanted to make tea 'cool'.
The idea of our brand was to create something that could rival Starbucks or Costa as leading coffee brands. There are so few chains of tea rooms as widely known as these and so we decided to make everything 'Brewed' from cups, to teabag tags, and started thinking of ideas for a video that could be passed between people via youtube.

When we had decided on the BREWED name and theme we each went away and created visuals that we thought suited the brand.


here are some of my logo design ideas

Next I designed some flyers using the logos I had created.

I chose this colour scheme as I thought it was bold, bright and full of impact. It is also edgy and trendy, appealing to the target audience as they are not colours you would usually associate with tea.

I then tried some of the flyers in a different colours. I think these developments work better than the black and yellow ones, however the red and black is reminiscent of the 'Costa Coffee' brand.

These are Sarah Butlers logo designs, although i think they are well thought out and well designed, i don't think that they are contemporary and as cutting edge as our logo has to be.

These are Oli's logo developments. The group decided to pic this design, which would aid the 'tea is cool' mentality. It also stuck to the 2 colours and stock requirement which would enable us to keep the designs consistent.

Personally I was unsure about the colour scheme. I think it is a bit plain and washed out. I think that as we were trying to make an edgy, cool brand we should have used brighter more vibrant colours, but the rest of the group decided that this was the most appropriate colour scheme.


Designed by sarah

Ewan had bought 100 drawstring tea bags in which himself and Oli put a blend they had made of several other tea brands. I then created the tags which were glued to the end of the draw strings, each of which had the logo and brand name. 

This is Ewans flyer in a clear, crisp infographic style.

I started to explore ideas for packaging and after some research, landed on the idea of packaging the tea bags into a tube.

While this idea would have worked really well with the 'tea is cool' ethos of the brand, it was difficult to find a tube of the right size and width so instead, I decided to use small and simple brown boxes that could have a thin strip wrapped around it containing brand name and information.

In our second crit, it became apparent that giving out hot tea could create a lot of problems, as we would have to boil the water elsewhere and would struggle to keep the tea hot. It was suggested that we just give out the cup with the tea bag inside so the drinker can have it when they want. This would also make people more inclined to take one, so they don't feel they have to have one then.
When we decided on this, Ewan and Ollie printed our logo onto some brown paper bags in which we could put the tea cup and tea bag, along with  flier of info graphic information based on tea and our brand.

Here are some of the final packages we made. Each pack had a flyer, a sample of teabags and a cup. We made them all up and then handed them out around leeds. In total we made 100 bags. This helps make our product go viral as people were walking around leeds city with our bags featuring the logo on. It will also help raise awareness of the brand and if people like the tea they will tell there friends and family.


We created a twitter account and facebook page to adhere to the viral side of our product. Social media is the biggest and best way to make something go viral. Putting our product out in to the internet means it will gain the greatest exposure.

We decided to carry on with the video plan, which we planned to feature a Brewed tea cup and a coffee cup in a fight, with the tea ultimately eliminating any competition from other brands. Danielle created two costumes, using fabric, straps and a hula hoop which featured the iron on Brewed logo for the tea cup and a simple iron on 'COFFEE' for the other.

Next we filmed the commercial. We had trouble with this as we hadn't created detailed enough story boards. I stepped in and help create some ideas such as different camera angles and point of views. We filmed in the Leeds University campus, in-keeping with our awareness target of students and young professionals. With Oli as the Brewed cup and Ewan as the coffee, Sean edited the footage to fit something our target audience would be interested in or find funny.


For the video we incorporated Oli's natural sense of humour. The light hearted tone of the video sells our product in a fun and comical way, and appeals to our target audience. Over all i think sean did a really good job at editing the video. The video worked well and gained a good reception when presented in the final crit.

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