Sunday 1 December 2013

OUGD504 Design for web: Consideration


3 questions to ask yourself when designing a website

- What is the purpose of the website?

- Who is the target audience?

- What do the target audience need?

How to answer these questions:
- focus groups and questioning people on the streets is a way that businesses answer these questions
- talking to the target audience and asking them what they want 
- researching into other websites

Common elements in every website

- navigation bar
- type
- image

Limitations of designing for web

size - spacial resolutions
design for the lowest resolution (800 x 600) as the common denominator so it can be displayed on every different screen size or design at the next size up (1024 x 640) for it to be viewed on larger screens as this isn't much bigger than the smallest size.

resolution - images

fonts - licence fees for using fonts for commercial use
limited selection of font families for use on the internet

making colours on a website universal by using a websafe colour mode

Website coding/scripting languages & terminology 

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

WYSIWYG - What You See IWhat You Get

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

When creating a website, you need to buy a domain name and hosting (physical space on a web server). 

CMS - Content Management System

Creating a Scamp for our websites

1024 x 768

Font family:
Arial, Helvetica, Sans serif


Background + background of webpage:

across the top - roughly 70%

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